Sunday, June 27, 2004


Vulnerable scorpios can destroy what they love the most

a person, their body, their mind, or their integrity. a scorpio who has tumbled into a well of self

destructiveness can teeter on the edge of obliteration waiting for a hand to drag them back to the surface.

the bottom is where scorpio takes their deepest breaths,

waiting for the sorcery in their spirit to conjure something wild. when they lose their body and

all sense of self they find their soul. and it’s something a

scorpio can really feel if they go deep enough, they can feel the electricity of infinity charging

through them, they have a real intimacy with the cosmos that reside within. intimacy is more than sex with scorpio. it involves unwrapping secrets, scars, and

skin until nothing is left but subjection and exposure.

you knew this when you gave me the book

it was the last thing you gave me

the last line of the last thing you gave me talked about

the inferno we form by being together.

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