Thursday, January 27, 2005

Dreamy Eyes

We were sitting in a booth opposite each other. My hands were on the table, palms down. She reached out and laid her hands over my own.

She looked at me, and was talking about how badly she felt. She told me that the reason it didn't work out was because she had some condition-- something about her eyes.

She took off her glasses so I could see. Her eyes were... animated almost. Their shape was fluid and fluctuating. It was almost as if I was staring into two black holes and couldn't quite focus on the irises, which sucked in all the light.

A few tears gently rolled down her cheeks. Her mouth moved but I don't remember the words. Small smiles were exchanged but inside I saw terror. I felt it too.

I don't remember feeling her hands on my hands. All I remember is looking down and being aware of their presence without the sensation.

It was like talking to a ghost.

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