Tuesday, December 14, 2004


I have a love/hate relationship with letters.

When someone special takes the time to physically write and hand you a letter, it feels like the greatest thing in the world. You want to cherish it, put it somewhere special, and keep it tucked close to your heart.

When someone special hurts you, letters fucking burn holes into your very core. You know you should toss it away, burn it, forget it somehow… but you can't. You still cherish the words that came out of the same mouth that's telling you something much harsher in the present. So you hold onto it. You get pangs of happiness and pain simultaneously, pangs that rip apart your insides and kiss the pieces.

You can't bring yourself to throw away the words because they meant too much to you in the beginning. And maybe, just maybe, they'll mean something to that special someone again.

This is why I have a love/hate relationship with letters.