Friday, September 5, 2003

trying to be positive

I feel like this doesnt have a point but caroline says thats the point. I think also maybe its for when im feeling bad. Thats what i want it to be. So get ready tosee me here a bit. Just joking.

Goin down to see the construction is pretty much all i like to do at work now. My co workers, the “team” as they keep saying, is pretty hard to deal with. I dont think these are my people. Nothing but weird stares when i got introduced. I should of expected this maybe. Their probably not all bad. A lot of us are in the same boat, stuck doing this paying back the good times we had in school. Well have to see.

Otherwise things are the same. Sometimes things are so the same that it feels like im just living one day over and over. Been getting headaches again, but thats nothing new. Probably not enough water. I want to focus more on positives. Im adjusting to the new place well. Its cheap, and small but i find it kind of comforting. You can really see all the stars out at night. People always talk about that but i think thats just because other people forget how great it is.
I didnt think about her today. Thats progress.