Sunday, February 2, 2003

new blog

im not really sure how this works. This is my first time doing this. They tell me if i just type here, everyone in the world can see it. I dont know how everyone in the world might see it, or why, but they said itd be just for me. caroline just said to write how im feeling, and not worry. So thats what im doing.

It’s lonely out here. I shouldnt complain. The job pays well, and i love the town. Its a cute area, and theyve got a whole nature preserve thing here ive been meaning to check out. Its just hard to meet people. If i were in new york or san francisco maybe, i think id have a chance. But rural ohio? The only people i see are the same co workers. and the amish.

Anyway. Theyve got us building a whole new gym for this campus, and i cant believe it. Were about a year in and its really starting to look the part. They say its gonna be state of the art, with an olympic size pool and everything. Its basically gonna be an airplane hanger. Its really incredible. Ive been going down by the construction more than the others, probably more than im supposed to be. But i just cant help it, i love to see a project get done. I like how first theres nothing and then bit by bit theres something. You dont get to see that happen in nature. Not in your lifetime anyway.

Thats it for now i guess. Should probably call mom. Shell be worried.